Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I have now become something of an information freak. Really am getting to love this open-source thing, withoout all the gibberish about copyright and all. mmmmm....hey.....Intellectual property is a wholly different story, and I dont want to be a party to any kind of information piracy, theft etc. That explains the legalesse upstairs here.

Well, I have decided to put up my wiki articles here also. Of course, I dont have copyright to all the future edited versions, but the ones who edit seem to be bound by this licence I have acquired to be able to share it too.

Anyway, Wikipeida is a great place, and I hope to contribute a lot more.


Ubermensch said...

finally .....
goood show there mate...not that i figured it...but keep em cumming...

Anonymous said...

Why dont you post more often?

SpankMac said...

yeah wiki is really good!